Thursday, June 14, 2012

Eyes on the prize!

A lion was taken into captivity and thrown into a concentration camp where, to his amazement, he found other lions who had been there for years, some of them all their lives, for they had been born there.

He soon became acquainted with the social activities of the camp. They banded themselves into groups. One group consisted of the socializers; another was into show-business; yet another was cultural for its purpose was carefully preserve the customs, the tradition and the history of the times when lions were free; other groups were religious, they gathered mostly to sing moving songs about a future jungle where they would be no fences; some groups attracted those who were literary and artistic by nature; some just turned critic/complainant  blaming circumstances or other lions for doing nothing to end their miseries; some groups just lamented their inability, lack of courage for failing to do anything about it and cursed their fate; while some just aligned with the captors by serving their interests to have easy captive life; others still were revolutionary, they met to plot against their captors or against other revolutionary groups to head the revolution campaign.

Every now and then a revolution would break out, one particular group would be wiped out by another, or the guards would all be killed and replaced by another set of guards by camp owners. All this did no good but to have a tougher captive life as more miseries were then thrown at them by merciless guards and camp owners.

As he looked around, the newcomer observed one lion who always seemed deep in thought, a loner who belonged to no group and mostly kept away from everyone. There was something strange about him that commanded everyone's admiration and everyone's hostility for his presence aroused fear and self-doubt.

He said to the new comer, "Join no group. These poor fools are busy with everything except what is essential."

"And what is that?" asked the newcomer.

"Studying the nature of the fence."

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